Dr Kim Callaghan
I have practiced natural family care with a focus on children’s health and women’s health for over 19 years. I often work with highly sensitive and unique individuals and enjoy being a part of patients’ success and empowerment in their health.
Using a holistic perspective, I work hard to find connections and relationships between parts and systems of the body. For example, how do allergies affect a child’s symptoms of ADHD? How do female hormones affect a woman’s digestion? I then work with the person to encourage a healthy balancing of the body / mind / environment. Using natural therapies, I encourage wellness so the person coming to me can participate fully in life.
I graduated from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in 2001 and from York University with a BA in English Literature in 1994. I am an active member of the federal and provincial naturopathic associations, CAND and OAND, respectively, as well as the Association of Perinatal Naturopathic Doctors (APND).
I have 2 children in high school and find myself consistently delighted and bewildered by both of them. In my spare time, I volunteer at my kids’ schools, go hiking with my family, and obsess over learning more knitting.
You can reach me to book an appointment, ask questions, or book a complementary 15 minute consult at:
416-876-6143 or kim@kimcallaghannd.com
Yours in good health!