No matter what challenges we face, as living organisms we are gifted with the intense will to survive...and only as humans can we make the choice to thrive!
Creating your Health & Wellness Team is about assembling your personal portfolio of practitioners, coaches and guides, and using their collective knowledge, experience and skills to help support you in your quest for a healthy Vivid life.
Here are five tips to help you on your quest to creating you Health & Wellness Team.
Get a Referral. I you have a friend or family member who recommends someone, then the chances are, you too will have a good experience. Check out the practitioner's website, blog or articles they've written, follow them on Facebook or Instagram to see if their interests, style and experience intrigues you.
Seek the expertise of many different types of practitioners. Each one will provide a new perspective and insight in to your current needs and situation. The information received may be radically different or has been reviewed before, but when it is said by the right person in the right way, you will remember it and it will become an intricate piece to your wellness routine.
Trust your instincts! Not every practitioner that you meet will be on your Dream Team. You may need to "kiss a few frogs" before you settle on the practitioners and types of therapy that resonate with you. Any practitioner may be with you to get through a particular problem, others you may work with throughout your lifetime. If you are in the right place, it will feel that way. When it's time to move on, that too will be apparent.
Be open to the experience. By being open, you are able to know if the experience is worth your time, energy, effort & money.
Never give up! Your health is something worth recommitting to daily! Your Wellness Dream Team will help you keep you on track to a more Vivid Health experience! You never know who will unlock the next key on you r journey to improved health and well being.